Wonder Time ARTS
Wonder Time ARTS

Asynchronous Learning Monthy Choice Boards

Each day, or each week, choose a new activity to do at home. Maybe create something together with the family, or just by yourself. Try: cutting out snowflakes from different types of paper, even coffee filters. Notice how they are six-sided and symmetrical! Learn how to color a winter landscape using warm and cool colors,  draw birds, polar bears, and penguins, and even make your own snow dough. When you are done with your art, write a poem or a story. Share it with your family and friends.Think about your art. Do you like it? Can you explain why?  Your art matters. Have fun choosing what art you want to try.  Enjoy discovering and learning. Nature can be our best teacher!



Let's Start January with "A Snowy Day."

For the Birds in Winter


Let's be in Love With Art! 

Why do we celebrate Valentine's Day?

Sing a Song of Spring With Miss Nina

Try Pencil and Erase!

Romero Britto's Art Right from his heart!

Popcorn on the Apricot Tree

Try Watercoloring!

Draw  a Valentine Cupcake

Story Time: The Day it Rained Hearts

Try Crayons!

Wayne Thiebaud's Cakes for you to make

Meet Artist Wayne Thiebaud

Try Printing!


Flying High like a Kite- Art Soars

April; Hop into Art!

Art in MAY is Pure Magic!

Jump'n June, July, August Art


Some Sweet Treats for the Holidays

Make Gingerbread Cookies!

Gingerbread Play Dough

Draw a Gingerbread  House!

Act out a Poem or create a comic book 

Listen to the Gingerbread  Baby

Meet  the artist Grandma Moses  

Trim a House On-line

Let grandma teach you how to make a garland 

We have had 20,000 visitors as of 1/1/2020

Artful Teaching

Mrs. Schellenberg & Young Artists

Ralph Waldo Emerson's  Poem:             Success-     to leave the world a bit better, whether by a healthy child, a garden patch or a redeemed social condition; To know  even one life breathed easier because of you.

Visit Wonder Time Arts's profile on Pinterest.

Thank you AT&T

We used the wiring for our artful galimotos

Duncan Ceramics, Thank you! With your help and friends of the Fresno Art Museum 's  support, every child created a tie-dyed T Shirt. You made our world brighter!

Fresno County Office of Education, we thank You for the opportunity to create with clay!

Thank you Mr. Bullwinkle and Fresno County Office of Education for awarding us with a grant to purchase a kiln and clay supplies. We are so happy and grateful!

Love Mrs. Schellenberg & Young Imagineers

What's New?

Free K-6 Lesson Plans 

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© Wonder Time Arts