Enjoy watching squirrels on the grass and in the trees. You can take some nuts or seeds to leave for them to eat and observe what they do But NEVER FEED a SQUIRREL by HAND; they can bite and could carry diseases.But they are delightful to observe! How do the squirrels move? How do their paws help them climb trees? What sounds do you hear them make? What is the texture of their fur? Try to draw a squirrel and note the shape of the head, and the placement of the eyes and their color. How big is the tail in comparison to its body?
Name of Species: _____________________________
Latin Name: _________________________________
Size: _______________ Weight: ________________
Habitat: ____________________________________
Diet: _______________________________________
Predators: ___________________________________
Life Span: ___________________________________
An interesting fact about this squirrel: _____________
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