K - 6th Lesson Objective:
Analyze and Interpret the Art’s story.
Students use their story interpretations to create dramatic tableaus (Frozen Pictures.)
Using this well-worn writer’s technique called the “reporter’s questions,” or “the 5 W’s and the H” may be just what you need to start students composing story from the art work. I ask these questions tweaking them to fit the art piece and suddenly viewing a work of art turns into an adventure for the writer!
The 5 W’s and the H are the six questions that reporters must answer in their lead paragraph of a new's story.
How did the artist use the elements of art and principles of design?
Teacher Models a short story they create about a piece of art, share how they drew their ideas from the "text." content, based on how the artist used the elements of art, and principal of design, as well as time period and subject matter.
Students take their 5 W's and a H question hand out, and an art piece to to go into their collaberative groups to create their stories Teacher supports the process by asking the group clarifiying questions, and text depenent questions. (The art I select is based on grade and the unit of study they are engaged in at the time)
Asking students also the simple question "What do you notice about this piture." Then asking them to ground their idea with evidence, ask "What makes you think so?
I use a lot of Kagen Strategies in my art room, and I have my students sitting in groups of 4. It is really exciting to hear them collaberate, challenge each other's ideas and defend their own. When they come up with a story created together, it is so very rewarding.
Students then create a frozen living picture to depict a scence. They might create a sequnce of scenes, where the ty change and move body tthen freeze again at the sound of a chime. I let them reherse a few times then they perform for eachother.
Students use rubrics to assess how they are working as a team and moving through the processes, and also a second rubric that evaluates the outcome product of each groups tableaus.
Thank you AT&T
We used the wiring for our artful galimotos