Collaboratively brainstorm multiple approaches to an art or design problem
Make art or design with various materials and tools to explore personal interests, questions and curiosity.
Demonsttools safe procedures for using and cleaning art tools, equipment.and studio spaces.
Repurpose objects to make something new
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“I Can” Common Core!2nd Revised for Art
Grade Speaking & Listening
I Can Understand and Talk About What I Hear, and What I See
I can follow rules for discussions. SL.2.1
I can participate in conversations with others. SL.2.1
I can ask questions during discussions. SL.2.1
I can tell about the key ideas and details after I listen or read. SL.2.2
I can ask and answer a question about what a speaker says. SL.2.3
I Can Share What I Know
I can tell a story aloud about the art. SL.2.4
I can record what I am reading out loud. SL.2.5
I can draw to share what I am viwing art or have done. SL.2.5
I can answer questions out loud in complete sentences. SL.2.6
“I Can” Common Core! 2nd Grade Writing about the Arts Revised for Art
I Can Write Different Types of Writing
I can write to persuade. W.2.1
I can write to teach. W.2.2
I can write to tell a story. W.2.3
I Can Make My Writing Better
I can revise and edit my writing. W.2.5
I can publish my writing. W.2.6
I Can Use Research to Help My Writing
I can record what I find when reading, or viewing art W.2.7
I can work with a partner to research. W.2.7
I can record artful or scientific observations. W.2.7
I can remember what I have been taught to answer a question. W.2.8
I can interview people to answer a question. W.2.8
"I Can" Common Cor e 2nd Grade Reading the Text
Text may be the actural art work.
I Can Read Fiction
I can tell who, what, where, when, why and how after reading stories. RL.2.1
I can retell a story. RL.2.2
I can tell how characters in a story respond to parts in a story. RL.2.3
I Can Read Nonfiction
I can tell who, what, where, when, why and how after reading nonfiction. RI.2.1
I can find the main idea in a section of nonfiction. RI.2.2
I can tell how events in history are connected. RI.2.3
I can understand science steps and ideas in nonfiction. RI.2.3
The I Can is from the Curriculum corner and revised a bit to work with visual art
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