Wonder Time ARTS
Wonder Time ARTS


Daffodils, the Trumpeters of  Spring

CAFE Objectives


C.  Create:  Students using tempera Paint will paint a daffodil.

A.  Articulate:  Students will discuss the lines, shapes/forms, colors, and textures they see in a still

                           life of real daffodils. 

F.   Finding Connections:  Students will discover how daffodils grow and the flower parts names:

                            bulb, roots, stem/stalk, petal, anther, sepal.

E.   Evaluate:   Students evaluate their art connecting their mind and heart to decide if they like or                                  do not like their art. Thumbs up= Terrific  Thumbs in the middle = Just okay

                            Thumbs down = Not so good. Then students are allowed to verbalize their decisions

                             and explain why.








By first watching the teacher talk about the lines on the daffodils, vertical, horizontal, curve, and then the shapes, watch this video to see how the artist draws those lines. Children can draw along. 




Enjoy a really cute read-a-loud, "That's not a Daffodil." JC Raulston Arboretum has great story time read alouds from the garden for younger students and you can subscribe to reicive their garden kits. 




Listen to William Wordsworth's poem, "Daffodils"  I wondered lonely as a Cloud....

By Free School.




Watch a cute video, Art with Mati and Dada  where they meet Berth Morisot and learn about her impressionist style and life in France.



Finger Play

For music, chords, more Spring songs and how to play this as a game visit: http://www.singinggamesforchildren.com

By: Dany Rosevear


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Mrs. Schellenberg & Young Artists

Ralph Waldo Emerson's  Poem:             Success-     to leave the world a bit better, whether by a healthy child, a garden patch or a redeemed social condition; To know  even one life breathed easier because of you.

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Thank you AT&T

We used the wiring for our artful galimotos

Duncan Ceramics, Thank you! With your help and friends of the Fresno Art Museum 's  support, every child created a tie-dyed T Shirt. You made our world brighter!

Fresno County Office of Education, we thank You for the opportunity to create with clay!

Thank you Mr. Bullwinkle and Fresno County Office of Education for awarding us with a grant to purchase a kiln and clay supplies. We are so happy and grateful!

Love Mrs. Schellenberg & Young Imagineers

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