CAFE Objectives
C. Create: Students using tempera Paint will paint a daffodil.
A. Articulate: Students will discuss the lines, shapes/forms, colors, and textures they see in a still
life of real daffodils.
F. Finding Connections: Students will discover how daffodils grow and the flower parts names:
bulb, roots, stem/stalk, petal, anther, sepal.
E. Evaluate: Students evaluate their art connecting their mind and heart to decide if they like or do not like their art. Thumbs up= Terrific Thumbs in the middle = Just okay
Thumbs down = Not so good. Then students are allowed to verbalize their decisions
and explain why.
For music, chords, more Spring songs and how to play this as a game visit:
By: Dany Rosevear
Thank you AT&T
We used the wiring for our artful galimotos