The name Blaue Reiter (“blue rider”) refers to the horse and rider, which was for Vasily Kandinsky a symbol for moving beyond looking realistic to make believe.Kandinsky and Franz Marc, both loved painting animals. Do these look like the ones on the farm? What makes you say that?
Key Ideas and Details
? With prompting and support ask and answer questions about key details in the art. What do you see in the painting? What makes you say that? What else do you notice in the art?
Where is the character? What makes you think that? What are 2 more things you notice in the setting?
? What are the colors Franz Mark used that would make you think of warm sun or fire? What are the colors he used that would make you think of cool water or shadey trees? So what did he make happen by using contrasting those warm and cool colors?
? What lines do you see, and where are they?
What shapes do you see?
Do you see any shapes or lines that repeat/copycat each other?
How do you think this animal would feel?
Integration of Knoweldge
? Do you think Frans Marc was trying to show a real animal in a real place or make believe?
With prompting and support compare and contrast the adventures and experiencces of those animals in the art works with the animals in stories or nursery rhymes.
Phonics and Word Recognition
Recognize and produce rhyming words
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
Images not clearly defined Places unidentifiable symbols randomly on paper
Sometimes creates visually recognizable images
Uses recognizable symbols on paper unrelated to directions |
Creates visually recognizable images
Follows specific directions with some guidance |
Develops own appropriate images; uses color in thoughtful ways
Able to work on specific assignments independently
Does not speak audibly. Egocentric focus during meetings or discussions |
Able to speak somewhat audibly and makes some appropriate comments during meetings or discussions
Able to speak audibly and talk about own work; listens to the comments of others
Able to speak audibly and talk about what is seen in other artists’ work |
Non-focused experimentation with tools and media |
Beginning to control media and tools; puts them away with help |
Is in control of media and puts tools and materials away with reminders |
Treats tools and media safely and with respect; cleans up without being reminded.
Only evaluates art according to “I like it.” “It is pretty.” |
Beginning to think critically about their art, and may give a simple reason they think their art is successful or not. But with guidance or support they can’t go beyond that one reason
Able to evaluate their art according to development and organization and decide if their work is successful or not with some guidance, giving two reasons. “I like my art because I drew my cow realistically.” My cow is beautiful because I used warm colors.” |
Able to evaluate their art according to development and organization and decide if their work is successful or not. I like my art because I used my imagination to color the cow, and I like the shapes I drew because my cow looks like a real cow. |
Thank you AT&T
We used the wiring for our artful galimotos