Under Construction...But we are starting with woodland friends, Meet Golidlcoks and the Three Bears
Engage in self-directed play with art materials.
Engage in self-directed creative making.
Use a variety of art-making tools.
Share materials with others.
Create and tell about art that communicates a story about
a familiar place or obect.
Share and talk about personal work.
Identify reasons for saving and displaying obects, artifacts, and artworks.
Identify places where art may be displayed or saved.
Identify where art is displayed both in and outside school.
Recognize that people make art.
Explore the world using descriptive and expressive words and art making.
Recognize art in their environment.
Distinguish between images and real objects.
Interpret art by identifying and describing subject matter.
Select a preferred artwork.
Thank you AT&T
We used the wiring for our artful galimotos