We look at our color wheel and note how half is warm colors like the sun, fire, and the feelings of love, the other half is cool colors like water, shade, and states of being calm. But did you know that when you start with a color follow an imaginary line through the center of the wheel you come out on the opposite side of the wheel and those two colors are called complementary colors?
When we want to use warm colors in our art and give it pop we can just use our color wheel to find our complimentary color and add that to our work. What is amazing is that the complementary color is made up of its opposites. Red's complement is green. That is made up of .......blue and yellow. Yellow's complementary color is purple. That is made up of ...........blue and red. And blue's complementary color is orange. That is made up of ..........red and yellow. I think that is really cool. So take a nature walk and find examples of complementary colors.
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We used the wiring for our artful galimotos