Creating Engage in exploration and imaginative play with materials Students will create an original floral composition using water color . |
Articulating 4.1 Discuss own works of art, using appropriate art vocabulary (e.g., color, shape/form, texture). 4.2 Describe what is seen (including both literal and expressive content) in selected works of art. Students will do what good artists do: share their ideas, materials, and art with each other. |
Finding Connections 3.3 Look at and discuss works of art from a variety of times and places. Students will discover the beauty found in the garden. View work by Monet and Warhol
Evaluating Discuss how and why they made a specific work of art. 4.4 Give reasons why they like a particular work of art they made, using appropriate art vocabulary.
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Kindergarteners enter our artist cafe quietly and calmly and sit down on the carpet close to me where we can look at art works, have discussions, and share stories. For this lesson I have two beautiful artworks “Bouquet of Sunflowers,” by Claude Monet and “Flowers,” by Andy Warhol. We then talk about what we see, what we think, and what we wonder. I share the story, “My Little Artist,” by Donna Green. Then we are ready to be artists too.
Visual Thinking Strategies(N.D.)Retrieved July 15,2016fromhttp://www.visiblethinkinkingpz.org/
I invite the students to our studio tables to slowly look at and touch the flowers. They select the ones they want to explore and paint. I walk around the tables and ask about their choices. I have students compose their flowers in a beautiful way onto their paper 3 to 5 times. Then I ask them to arrange them one last time to make their best composition. A quick lesson on using liquid watercolor and a brush sets them up to begin painting I continue talking with each group and asking them about what senses they are using, and how does it feel to paint.
We take a walk about and view each other's work and then re-gather back in front of the pictures on the carpet and ponder 3 questions for closing.
Repeat the Lesson
The following week artists can view their portfolio and reflect about what they did with their painting .The image affords them the opportunity to recreate or revise their work. Second time I read “Little Red Riding Hood, but instead of picking flowers for grandma, she paints them. Just like little Red, we paint to share with others and bring joy.
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We used the wiring for our artful galimotos